
What is a 33 kV insulation mat?

Electrical insulation rubber mats are protective gears that ensure electrical safety in workplaces. Industries all over the world, starting from the USA to Mexico and Bangladesh, use electrical safety matting to protect the workers from high-voltage hazards. What is a 33 kV insulation mat? The IS 15652:2006 standard is set by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The IS 15652 standard has three different classes for electrical safety matting. They have three classes- Class A, Class B, and Class C. Different classes have different voltage enduring capacities for electrical applications. Class A has a 3.3 kV insulation mat and Class B has an 11 kV insulation mat. The 33kV rubber safety mat belongs to Class C of IS 15652:2006 compliant insulating mats. Working voltage  As the name suggests, a 33 kV insulated matting is suitable for applications that have working voltages less or equal to 33 kV.  This infers that this insulation matting will disintegrate when subjected to voltages highe...

Benefits of using Duratuf insulating matting: Power industry edition

 The power industry is associated with high-voltage transmission lines, power grids, and electricity distribution channels. Substations and workstations run on high voltages. Numerous electrical hazards occur in the power industry. As per data from market analysis, In the United States, 500-1000 deaths occur due to electrical injuries every year.  What is an insulating matting made of? Before talking about the benefits of using insulating matting , we should understand the composition of these electrical shock protection mats. An insulation mat is made of rubber compounds. Rubber is an excellent electrical insulator due to its molecular structure. It has tightly bound electrons that prohibit charge transfer. An insulation mat is one of the most useful safety gear that has several benefits in the power industry. Benefits of using insulating matting: Power industry edition 1. Guarantees electrical safety while working with high-voltage appliances In Saudi Arabia, among all the b...

How to Troubleshoot Electrical Insulator Issues: Insulating Mats Edition

  The first thing that might pop into your mind is that,  What is an electrical insulator? A material that allows the flow of electricity through it is known as an electrical conductor. An electrical insulator is quite the opposite to it. It does not allow the flow of electricity through it. It protects equipment and people from the dangerous consequences of electric hazards.  How is it different from an electrical floor heat mat?  An electrical floor heat mat is an underfloor heating technology. The programmed thermostat is used to control it. It is used to maintain a comfortable temperature of the flooring. An electrical floor heat mat is useful for regions having low temperatures. People living in such regions use electrical heat mats for thermal heating of the ground. An electrical insulator resists electricity. On the other hand, electrical heat mats generate electricity.  Electrical insulators may have different issues. These can be due to manufacturing d...

5 Easy Steps For Installing Electrical Rubber Mats in Your Factory

Are you going to install electrical rubber mats? Wondering what is the right way to do that? Do you want an installation guide with easy steps?  Well, this blog will clear up all your confusion regarding this.  First, let us know what insulation rubber mats are! Insulation rubber mats are safety equipment. People operating high-voltage appliances are vulnerable to electric hazards. Several industries in the UAE rely on electrical mats to ensure electrical safety. It has high dielectric strength and can withstand electric current without breaking down. Additionally, it is non-conductive and bypasses excessive currents during any power accident.  This is how you can Install your electrical rubber mats in 5 easy steps! 1. Measure the area Measure the area where you want to install your electrical insulation mat.  Note the accurate dimensions of the space. Measure the length and width of the application area. Match the dimensions of the application area to your electrica...

4 Benefits of choosing high-quality electrical mats

Why would you choose high-quality electrical mats? Are these insulating mats worth the price?  Whenever we purchase something, we first look at the price tag. We see if the product is worth the prices we are paying. What we fail to understand is that we should prioritize quality over money! Similarly, rubber mat electrical obtained at cheap and affordable prices may not be of high quality Do you want to know the benefits of using high-quality electrical mats? This blog answers all your questions! Electrical safety matting is an important safety tool that has been ensuring electrical safety to the people of UAE. It saves people from electric shocks and other hazards. Hence, it is very important to install high-quality  rubber mat electrical as it is associated with the safety concerns of humans.  Here are the 4 benefits of choosing high-quality electrical mats! 1. Enhanced safety High-quality electrical safety matting exhibits better insulating properties. It can withstan...

5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats

Electrical room floor mats vs. Rubber floor mats What sets them apart from each other?  In this blog, we will help you explore the key differences. We will discuss about electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats in details. Let us dive into the differences between these two! Here are the 5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats! 1. Composition Manufacturers make electrical room floor mats with rubber compounds. These rubber compounds have high electric resistivity. They make them with such material to withstand high voltage. They go through vulcanization. This shapes them to achieve desirable properties. But, rubber mat manufacturers make mats with natural rubber and synthetic rubber compounds. Manufacturers also add polymers like Styrene Butadiene and Nitrile Butadiene. They add them to get some desired properties. They add fillers and vulcanizing agents. Vulcanizing agents give them characteristics for specific applications. Besides, manufactu...

Mythbusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Electrical Insulating Mats

  Are you sure that all electrical insulating  mats are shockproof? Do you ever wonder if the electrical insulating mats are invincible to fire and weathering? Why do you think that the insulation of your safety mat has deteriorated? To have a clear vision about the myths and truths encompassing electrical insulating mats, this blog is perfect for you!  Electrical insulating mats are very significant in work environments dealing with high voltage and power. It offers a non-conductive path between the ground and the equipment to protect people from electrical hazards. It acts like an anti-skid matting for the workers and also prevents electrical shock.  Aron works in a substation. The substation is floored with an  electrical insulating rubber mat . Last week, there was a current leakage in the electrical room and some workers got an electric shock. Aron called his electrical insulating rubber mat manufacturer and asked why the mat could not prevent the shock. Af...