Mythbusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Electrical Insulating Mats
Are you sure that all electrical insulating mats are shockproof?
Do you ever wonder if the electrical insulating mats are invincible to fire and weathering? Why do you think that the insulation of your safety mat has deteriorated?
To have a clear vision about the myths and truths encompassing electrical insulating mats, this blog is perfect for you!
Electrical insulating mats are very significant in work environments dealing with high voltage and power. It offers a non-conductive path between the ground and the equipment to protect people from electrical hazards. It acts like an anti-skid matting for the workers and also prevents electrical shock.
Aron works in a substation. The substation is floored with an electrical insulating rubber mat. Last week, there was a current leakage in the electrical room and some workers got an electric shock. Aron called his electrical insulating rubber mat manufacturer and asked why the mat could not prevent the shock. After a thorough conversation, the manufacturer enlisted Aron with some myths he had been believing in for which this accident took place.
Here are some of theMythBusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Electrical Insulating Mats!
MYTH: "Insulating mats are 100% shockproof"
TRUTH: Insulated rubber mat prevents shock and helps mitigate electric hazards. It is not 100% shockproof as its efficiency in shock prevention depends on several factors. Its shock proofing property depends on the installation, application, and maintenance of the rubber matting electrical switch room. Misalignments during installation, exposure to extremely harsh temperatures and chemicals, and lack of maintenance result in deteriorating the insulating properties of your mat.
MYTH: "Electrical insulating rubber mat is fireproof"
TRUTH: An electrical insulating rubber mat has flame retardance properties. It can resist the ignition of fire and reduce its extent of spreading. However, you must not misinterpret its flame retardance property, as under prolonged exposure to extreme heat and fire hazards, these non-conductive rubber mats succumb to fire.
MYTH: "Insulating mats are used in any environmental condition"
TRUTH: An electrical insulating rubber mat is used in versatile environmental conditions. It has an epic contribution to the electrical industry and residential purposes. Durable insulating rubber mats can withstand exposure to heat, UV rays, ozone, chemicals, and oils to a certain extent. The insulating properties of these safety mats are reduced in contact with harsh chemicals and oils. When heat is trapped in the rubber matting electrical switch room, the efficiency of the safety mat is degraded.
MYTH: "All insulating mat standards are the same"
TRUTH: Insulating mats have different standards such as the IEC 61111, ASTM D178, and IS 15652. IEC 61111 is the standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission. This is followed by the regions following European standards. ASTM D178 is the standard set by the American Society for Testing and Materials. This is followed by the regions following the American standards. On the other hand, the IS 15652 standard is set by the Bureau of Indian Standards and followed by the regions following the Indian standard.
So what standard of insulating mats should you purchase?
You should purchase insulating mats considering your geographical area and the standard it follows. You can consult an electrical rubber sheet manufacturer before making a purchase!
MYTH: "Insulating mats are maintenance free"
TRUTH: Over time, these weatherproof insulating rubber mats when subjected to prolonged sunlight, UV radiations, and ozone, degrade. Degrading condition of your safety mat will result in compromising your electrical safety. You should inspect your electrical insulating rubber mat thoroughly and look for any traces of damage, wearing, tearing, or problems. The damaged portions of the insulated rubber mat should be repaired or replaced to the prior standards of the mat. It requires maintenance so that the performance and properties of the insulating mat remain unaltered.
There are multiple myths regarding an electrical insulating rubber mat. It is your responsibility to gather knowledge before purchasing and considering it for application. You should consult an electrical insulating rubber mat manufacturer before implementing it in industrial applications.
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