Role of Electrical Insulating Rubber Mat in Research and Development Units

Why is an electrical insulating rubber mat crucial in research and development units? Worried about your electrical safety during prototype developments? Do you know that an insulating mat can be a savior while testing your high-voltage systems? Research and development units have different high-voltage applications. High-voltage applications are common during prototype development, testing, and other functions. There can be common power hazards like short circuits and arc flashes. As a result, researchers and developers are at risk of being exposed to electrical accidents. What do they require to ensure electrical safety? An insulating mat ! Let us now check the Role of Electrical Insulating Rubber Mat in Research and Development Units An electrical insulating rubber mat is a safety gear. Owing to the atomic structure of rubber, it resists the free movement of electrons. Thus, it acts as a barrier between the ground and the voltage source. An insulating mat protects...