4 Benefits of choosing high-quality electrical mats

Why would you choose high-quality electrical mats? Are these insulating mats worth the price? 

Whenever we purchase something, we first look at the price tag. We see if the product is worth the prices we are paying. What we fail to understand is that we should prioritize quality over money!
Similarly, rubber mat electrical obtained at cheap and affordable prices may not be of high quality

Do you want to know the benefits of using high-quality electrical mats?

This blog answers all your questions!

Electrical safety matting is an important safety tool that has been ensuring electrical safety to the people of UAE. It saves people from electric shocks and other hazards. Hence, it is very important to install high-quality rubber mat electrical as it is associated with the safety concerns of humans. 

Here are the

high-quality electrical mats

4 benefits of choosing high-quality electrical mats!

1. Enhanced safety

High-quality electrical safety matting exhibits better insulating properties. It can withstand high voltages found in the power, manufacturing or mining industries of UAE. It performs efficiently and protects people from electric shocks. It is made of premium quality rubber compounds. They are non-conductive as a result of which they can resist a huge amount of excessive current.

2. Compliance with safety standards

A high-quality rubber mat for electrical safety is compliant with industrial electrical safety standards. Some primary safety standards are there as ASTM D178, IS 15652, and IEC 61111. These safety standards are for different geographical regions. ASTM D178 is for regions abiding by the American standard. Meanwhile, the IS 15652 is followed by the areas following the Indian Standard. On the other hand, the IEC 61111 standard is for the regions following the European standard. When an electrical mat abides by safety standards, it is legally safe to use.

3. Longevity

High-quality insulating mats have more durability. They can withstand extreme voltages without breaking down. Their physical properties are top-graded which is why, the industries of UAE choose them. They have a high tensile strength that does not let it break down under heavy stress and loading. 
These insulation mattings offer more service life. Unlike low-quality mats, they do not age or harden with exposure to current. 

4. Minimal maintenance costs

High-quality electrical safety matting in UAE may have higher upfront costs. But they do not have havoc maintenance costs. As these safety mats are durable and long-lasting, they can endure physical stress. They do not wear and tear easily. This owes to a lesser number of repairs which reduces cost. 
They remain unsusceptible to chemicals and fire. Even with the exposure to these elements, the mats do not degrade. As a result, maintenance cost is negligible.

For cleaning, regular brushes and mild soap water can do the job. They do not require highly expensive cleaning agents to keep clean. 

These FAQs might interest you!

1) What is an 11 kV rubber mat?

Ans: An 11 kV rubber mat is found in the IS 15652 standard. It can withstand voltages less than or equal to 11 kV. It protects people from electric shock and other hazards.  People install these mats in the power industry where working voltages are under 11 kV. 

2. How are insulating mats similar to anti slip mats?

Ans: An insulating mat is similar to an anti slip mat as it also has anti-skid properties. The surface of the electrical mat is corrugated which reduces the risk of slipping. The texture enhances traction and prevents potential physical accidents.

3. Where can I use a 33 kV rubber mat?

Ans: You can use a 33 kV rubber mat if your industrial application is equal to or under 33 kV. It can withstand up to 33 kV without breaking down. It is extensively used in power generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Get these mats at a competitive 33 kV rubber mat price if you are working with voltages up to 33 kV. 

Always choose a high-quality mat to ensure electrical safety!

It not only provides you with better insulating properties but also offers a long service life with optimum efficiency and performance.


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