5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats

rubber mat electrical

Electrical room floor mats vs. Rubber floor mats

What sets them apart from each other? 

In this blog, we will help you explore the key differences. We will discuss about electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats in details.

Let us dive into the differences between these two!

Here are the

5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats!

1. Composition

Manufacturers make electrical room floor mats with rubber compounds. These rubber compounds have high electric resistivity. They make them with such material to withstand high voltage. They go through vulcanization. This shapes them to achieve desirable properties.
But, rubber mat manufacturers make mats with natural rubber and synthetic rubber compounds. Manufacturers also add polymers like Styrene Butadiene and Nitrile Butadiene. They add them to get some desired properties. They add fillers and vulcanizing agents. Vulcanizing agents give them characteristics for specific applications.
Besides, manufacturers make different rubber floor mats to serve various purposes. They make rubber sheets with different materials like silicone, Viton, or other elastomers. Rubber floor mats serve versatile industries.

2. Purpose

Electrical room floor mats serve the purpose of protecting people from electrical hazards. Substations, control panels, and transformers have high operating voltage. People operating them have a risk of electrical accidents. Electric floor heat mat can withstand high temperature. 
Meanwhile, people use rubber floor mats for various purposes. People use rubber floor mats for safety and comfort. Rubber floor mat offers cushioning to the feet. It reduces stress and fatigue with that property. Ribbed mats ensure safety. People reduce the risks of falling or slipping by installing them. Rubber mat can withstand high temperatures. But, not like that of an electric floor heat mat. 

How does an electrical floor mat prevent shock?

Often the equipment can have manufacturing faults. Workplaces having such equipment can cause short circuits. They can discharge high currents. 

Rubber mat electrical ensures the electrical safety of a workplace. It protects the workers from such high currents. 

It does not let the current pass through the human body. Thus, people use rubber mat for electrical room to protect people from shock. It also protects people from short-circuits.

Do rubber floor mats reduce noise?

Yes, rubber floor mats reduce noise. People use them for soundproofing. They check the transmission of noise. As a result, they reduce the impact of noise. 
Suppose you are at a gym. You are working out with heavy weights and machines. There will be a lot of noise when they come in contact with the ground. You can install rubber floor mats in your gym to reduce such noises. Neoprene rubber sheets have sound absorption properties. They make the environment more comfortable.

3. Electrical properties

Electrical room floor mats have high dielectric strength. They can withstand high voltage without breaking down. Their special electrical property makes them the best insulation tools. The power industry uses electrical insulation matting for this reason.

Rubber mat electrical prevents electric shock. Workers in substation work with high voltage electrical devices. They are vulnerable to electric shocks. Rubber mat for substations saves the workers from injuries. They also lessen deaths due to electric shock. 

It is non-conductive. It does not allow current to flow from the source to the ground. Insulating mats prevent the passing of current from one's body.

But, rubber floor mats have lesser dielectric strength than insulating mats. They can endure voltage to an extent. Dealing with high voltage for a long time damages a rubber mat. They do not help in shock prevention. They can resist electricity till a point. They do not have as high electrical resistivity as insulating mats.

What happens to a rubber floor mat in high voltage for a long time?

In high voltage, a rubber floor mat-

Damages- Rubber mats wear and tear when exposed to very high voltages. They break down in high electricity. It boosts their aging and spoils their condition.

Fades- The texture of a rubber mat fades. Its color fades. It loses its finishing and develops wrinkles. This is a sign of aging. It means that the rubber floor mat will expire soon.

Hardens- When a rubber floor mat damages in high-voltage exposure, it hardens. Hardening lessens the quality of the rubber sheet. Finally, it finishes its service life. You cannot use a rubber mat after that.

4. Fire resistant

Sometimes, electrical hazards can result in the starting of a fire. You can stop the spread of fire with electrical room floor mats. Insulating mats are resistant to fire.

How will an electrical room floor mat help you during a fire outbreak?

Suppose you are working in a substation. There is some old electrical equipment that you have to operate. The wire connections have loosened and the cables have worn off. Due to this, a short circuit takes place.

Due to the current overflow, there is a starting of fire. If your substation has electrical room floor mats, you will be safe. They will resist the flames and reduce the spread of fire. The industrial safety floor mats will reduce your liability costs. Rubber mat electrical also reduces medical expenses by checking the fire outbreak. 

However, rubber floor mats are not fire-resistant. They can withstand high temperatures. But they cannot resist the starting and spread of fire. Thus, if you have a risk of a fire outbreak in your workplace, you should avoid rubber floor mats. Yet, neoprene and Hypalon rubber mats have some flame-resistant properties. You should aways go for rubber mat electrical for resisting fire.

5. Areas of application

The power industry installs insulating mats in switch rooms. The power industry has high-voltage electrical equipment. They need electrical insulation.

  • People use electrical insulation matting near HT and LT panels, and control rooms. 
  • They also install them in lift rooms and near switchboards. 
  • Additionally, they install rubber mat electrical in transformer rooms.
Meanwhile, people install rubber floor mats for residents and industries. 
  • People use rubber flooring for noise reduction. 
  • People use rubber flooring in schools, gyms, bathrooms, and hospitals. Rubber matting also reduces the risks of accidents. 
  • They also install them in ice rink arenas and commercial settings.

To Summarize

In brief, electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats are both composed of rubber. People install the first one to ensure electrical safety. They use insulating mats in areas prone to high voltages. Primarily, the power industry has several rubber mat electrical applications. But, people use rubber matting to reduce physical accidents. They also use it for noise cancellation and others. People use them for residential and commercial purposes.


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