5 Easy Steps For Installing Electrical Rubber Mats in Your Factory

Are you going to install electrical rubber mats? Wondering what is the right way to do that?

Do you want an installation guide with easy steps? 

Well, this blog will clear up all your confusion regarding this. 
First, let us know what insulation rubber mats are!
Insulation rubber mats are safety equipment. People operating high-voltage appliances are vulnerable to electric hazards. Several industries in the UAE rely on electrical mats to ensure electrical safety. It has high dielectric strength and can withstand electric current without breaking down. Additionally, it is non-conductive and bypasses excessive currents during any power accident. 

This is how you can

Install your electrical rubber mats in 5 easy steps!

1. Measure the area

  • Measure the area where you want to install your electrical insulation mat. 
  • Note the accurate dimensions of the space. Measure the length and width of the application area.
  • Match the dimensions of the application area to your electrical rubber mats

2. Prepare the application area

  • Brush the application area thoroughly to remove dust from the surface. 
  • Clean the ground to eliminate any debris or dirt.
  • Ensure cleaning the sub-floor to remove any moisture or greases. 
  • Keep the ground uniform to avoid any uneven surfaces.

3. Ensure proper alignment

  • Align your rubber mats for electrical panels properly. 
  • Check it covers the whole high-voltage operating area. Any space can make one vulnerable to the effects of electrical shock. 
  • Misalignment of rubber mats for electrical panels can decrease their insulating performance. It fails to protect people from electrical accidents. 
Did you know...?

Misalignment of electrical rubber mats can create gaps in the ground. When personnel is working with electrically live equipment, he can get electric shocks. If he steps on the gap under such conditions, he can get an electric shock. The electrical mat will fail to provide insulation in this situation.

4. Apply adhesives (if necessary)

  • You can apply adhesives to ensure proper placement of electrical rubber matting.
  • You can use SR 998 or other specialized adhesives.
  • Use a brush to apply adhesives on the back of the insulating mat and the floor.

5. Place the insulating mat

  • Place the electrical rubber mats cautiously.
  • Ensure to cover the whole high-voltage application area. 
  • After placing the mat, you can use a roller. Roller ensures that there are no cripples or non-uniformity.
  • Let the adhesive dry for a couple of days.

Pro tip: 

Monitor the performance of your electrical rubber mats frequently. You should visually check the insulating mats to ensure their performance. Consult a reliable insulating mat manufacturer in UAE for details about installation and maintenance. And do not forget to check if the working voltage matches with the rating of the insulating mats.

To summarize, 

Before installing insulation rubber mats, measure the area of application. Ensure to match the dimensions of the mat to your application area. Properly align your mat before placement. Use adhesives if required and place the electrical rubber mats cautiously. Make sure to avoid cripples and use rollers for an effective installation.

Here are some FAQs for you!

1. What is the purpose of installing rubber mats for control panels?

Ans: An electrical rubber matting roll saves people from electrical accidents. Control panels have high-voltage appliances, switchboards, and machinery. Some common electrical hazards are- short circuits, electric shocks, arc flashes, and others. These occur due to system failures, loose connections, or water contact. However, insulating mats does not allow the flow of excessive electric current. They provide a barrier between the voltage source and the ground. 

2. How to maintain high-voltage rubber mats?

Ans: You should conduct a regular visual inspection to check the state of the mats. If you see any cracks or damaged parts, repair or replace them immediately. You should conduct frequent testing to check the safety standard compliance of the mat. You can clean the mats with a mild detergent solution. 

3. What are the different standards of insulation mat for electrical purposes?

Ans: Electrical industrial rubber matting has primarily three standards. They are- IEC 61111, ASTM D178, and IS 15652 standards. They are for different geographical regions. They comply with the electrical safety standards of these regions. 


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