
Showing posts from May, 2024

5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats

Electrical room floor mats vs. Rubber floor mats What sets them apart from each other?  In this blog, we will help you explore the key differences. We will discuss about electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats in details. Let us dive into the differences between these two! Here are the 5 differences between electrical room floor mats and rubber floor mats! 1. Composition Manufacturers make electrical room floor mats with rubber compounds. These rubber compounds have high electric resistivity. They make them with such material to withstand high voltage. They go through vulcanization. This shapes them to achieve desirable properties. But, rubber mat manufacturers make mats with natural rubber and synthetic rubber compounds. Manufacturers also add polymers like Styrene Butadiene and Nitrile Butadiene. They add them to get some desired properties. They add fillers and vulcanizing agents. Vulcanizing agents give them characteristics for specific applications. Besides, manufactu...

Mythbusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Electrical Insulating Mats

  Are you sure that all electrical insulating  mats are shockproof? Do you ever wonder if the electrical insulating mats are invincible to fire and weathering? Why do you think that the insulation of your safety mat has deteriorated? To have a clear vision about the myths and truths encompassing electrical insulating mats, this blog is perfect for you!  Electrical insulating mats are very significant in work environments dealing with high voltage and power. It offers a non-conductive path between the ground and the equipment to protect people from electrical hazards. It acts like an anti-skid matting for the workers and also prevents electrical shock.  Aron works in a substation. The substation is floored with an  electrical insulating rubber mat . Last week, there was a current leakage in the electrical room and some workers got an electric shock. Aron called his electrical insulating rubber mat manufacturer and asked why the mat could not prevent the shock. Af...

How to Protect Insulated Rubber Mats from the Summer Heat?

  Did you know that several countries across the world are facing an alarming heat rise in 2024 summer? Are you aware how this sudden temperature rise can affect the functionality of your  insulated rubber mats ? According to the news reports- Indonesia, South Africa, Gabon, Kenya, South Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia, Guyana, Colombia, and Rio are having a crisis from the scorching heat this summer.  The blazing heatwave of summer sweeps India too, this summer. Temperatures in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Gangetic West Bengal are 43°C. The extreme heat has been causing health issues and also increasing the mortality rate to a great extent. It is taking a toll on human lives by developing brutal health issues.  This scorching heat quickly degrades industrial equipment, as well. Especially, the insulated rubber mats, which are made of rubber compounds. Rubber changes shape, gets warped or sticky when exposed to high heat. How to protect your insulating mats from this...